BIOTIA-DX Analysis

BIOTIA-DX Analysis


General process


  1. step: User uploads their samples (FASTQ files) to the GeoSeeq platform​

  2. step: User starts (manual) a BiotiaDX app run (analysis) for their samples on the GeoSeeq platform​

  3. step: BiotiaDX process the FASTQ files from GeoSeeq and generate Biotia DX result reports

  4. step: GeoSeeq presents the BiotiaDX analysis results


Data/File hierarchy





There are two levels of the visualization:

  • Project level

  • Sample level

Project level

Project level visualization file is located in the sample’s project folder. (The project folder’s name should start with “biotia-dx”. )

Project-level visualization has two views: taxons and statistics. For the visualization, the user should start a file preview for the JSON file.







Sample level


For the visualization, the user should start a file preview for the JSON file.




Table view

Alignments view


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