Data hierarchy levels:
Organization: The highest level of the data hierarchy. One organization can have several projects, but every project must have organization. There are two permission roles that connect to the organization: Org admin and org member. Org admins and org members can access every organizations’ project.
Project: Project can have several samples. But every sample must have a project. There is one permission role that connects to the project: Guest. The guest role has two types: Guest with Read and Guest with Read/Write permissions.
Sample: Container entity. It can contain several folders.
Folder: You can organize your sample-related project files in folders. One of the folder can contain the sample files with fastq or fq files.
Project folder: You can organize your project files in project folders.
File: The lowest level of the data hierarchy. The files can be DNA files, app result files, or anything else that is uploaded to the project.