Understand data hierarchy

Understand data hierarchy


Data hierarchy levels



  • Organization: The highest level of the data hierarchy. One organization can have several projects, but every project must have organization. Two permission roles connect to the organization: Org admin and org member. Org admins and org members can access every organization’s project.


  • Project: To group samples into projects GeoSeeq supports projects. Projects are quite literally just groups of samples. Samples may belong to many different groups to support different analyses and subgroup analyses, with the only restrictions being related to privacy. A project can have several samples. But every sample must have a project. There is one permission role that connects to the project: Guest. The guest role has two types: Guest with Read and Guest with Read/Write permissions.


  • Sample: Container entity. It can contain several folders.


  • Folder: Samples contain folders that represent either raw data from the sample or results derived from the analysis of that data. An example of this could be the raw reads from paired-end DNA sequencing of a sample. The raw reads would be stored in a Folder with two Files, one each for the forward and reverse reads. Each File could point to a file stored on the cloud or, for results that require less storage, be stored directly in GeoSeeq.You can organize your sample-related project files in folders. One of the folders can contain the sample files with fastq or fq files.


  • Project folder: Projects may also contain Project Folder. In this case, Project Folders represent anything that applies to all the samples at once. An example would be a pairwise distance matrix between all samples in a dataset.


  • File: The lowest level of the data hierarchy. The files can be DNA files, app result files, or anything else uploaded to the project.


Manage data levels

Create organization


Users can create an organization from the all-organization list:


Create project


Users with an organization can create a project on the organization page, on the project list:


Create a project with public samples

Users can incorporate public samples into their project from the search result or organizations' project lists:




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