Map editor

Map editor


Every project admin can access GeoSeeq Map Editor. With this tool, users can create own, custom maps and show them on the project dashboard. This way you can present your research result on your project page for other users.



A custom map on a project dashboard


A custom map on a project dashboard


Start the function


You can start the map editor on the project page header:



Map settings


You can set the following things on your custom map:

  1. Base layer:

You can set the base map for your custom map. The available predefined GeoSeeq base layers are the following: Base, light, geography, temperature, humidity, and precipitation.

On top of these, you can use custom pmtiles files. PMTiles is a single-file archive format for tiled data. A PMTiles archive can be hosted on a commodity storage platform such as S3, and enables low-cost, zero-maintenance map applications that are "serverless" - free of a custom tile backend or third party provider. More information about pm tiles is available here.

  1. Overlays:

You can use two predefined GeoSeeq layers (administration, places) as overlay and you can use two types of overlay. These types are the following:

a, Pmtiles: More information about pm tiles is available here and check the description in the previous paragraph.

b, GeoJSON: GeoJSON is a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures.

"type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [125.6, 10.1] }, "properties": { "name": "Dinagat Islands" } }


GeoJSON supports the following geometry types: Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, and MultiPolygon. Geometric objects with additional properties are Feature objects. Sets of features are contained by FeatureCollection objects.

More information about GeoJSON is available here.

Here available our GeoJJSON documentation. It presents how you can create custom GeoJSON map layers to produce visualization like this:



  1. Initial view:

In this section, you can custom zoom level and the center of the map to adjust your view to your data layer. (For example, optimizing the view to USA)

  1. Samples to display

In this section, you can set the visible samples on your custom map.

There are three options:

  • Only project samples: It will show all project samples with geolocation data.

  • All public samples: It will show all samples from public GeoSeeq data with geolocation data.

  • No samples


  1. Histogram:

In this section, you can set the histogram that presents the samples on a timeline, this way:



Save and visualize the map


Let’s save the map this way:

Save button on the map editor screen


The customized map will be saved to the selected folder (which is selected in the first step) in your project data hierarchy:

Folder selection



Add a map to your project dashboard


You can add your map to the project dashboard with the following steps:

1. “Add tile” button on the project dashboard


2. Browse the desired map file from the project folder hierarchy


3. Set a title and a size for the map tile


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