


Webhooks allow you to build or set up integrations with GeoSeeq, such as apps that subscribe to certain GeoSeeq events. When one of those events is triggered, we'll send an HTTP POST payload to the webhook's configured URL. The following properties can be set for a webhook.

Webhook URL

The target URL, where payloads are sent when preconfigured events occur.

Webhook secret

Once your server is configured to receive payloads from GeoSeeq, it will listen for any payload sent when preconfigured events occur. For security reasons, you should limit requests to those coming from GeoSeeq. There are a few ways to do this (for example, you could opt to allow requests from GeoSeeq's IP address), but a far easier method is to set up a secret token and validate the information. GeoSeeq creates a hash signature with each payload when your secret token is set. This hash signature is included with the headers of each request as X-Signature-SHA256. The intention is to calculate a hash using your secret token and ensure that the result matches the hash from GeoSeeq. GeoSeeq uses an HMAC hex digest to compute the hash.

Webhook SSL verification

You have the option to configure the SSL verification settings. If your webhook URL is not secure (HTTP), this option won't have any effect. By default, GeoSeeq verifies the SSL certificate of your website when delivering webhook payloads. SSL verification helps ensure hook payloads are securely delivered to your URL endpoint. You can disable SSL, but we recommend keeping Enable SSL verification selected.

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