Creating animated map


Example map:

The animated file should have two JSON file:

  1. The JSON map file:

  2. JSOn file with FeatureCollection that contains corindates of the polygons and keyvalues.


The JSON map file should contain the timeframe definitions, this way:

"timeline": { "frames": [ { "id": "frame_48128419187181115", "title": "2001 Jan", "key": "2001-01-01", "period": [978303600000,980981999999] }, { "id": "frame_912984841553091", "title": "2001 Feb", "key": "2001-02-01", "period": [980982000000,983401199999] }, ... { "id": "frame_8129519315645357", "title": "2001 Dec", "key": "2001-12-01", "period": [1007161200000,1009839599999] } ] }


  • id: Should be unique

  • title: These titles will be displayed in the legend.


Frame titles on the map
  • key: These keys (with values) should be in the JSON map file in the geometry section:

Tool to generate timeframes:


Using of the frame keys in the FeatureCollection

periods: The start and the end date of the timeframe in milisecs from 01/01/1970.

Polygn source:

Tools: Best JSON Viewer and JSON Beautifier Online