Add a new metadata field
You can add your own metadata column to your sample list on the project page/sample tab:
Supported metadata types
String: Any type of chars is acceptable.
Number: Numbers are acceptable with decimal points, without thousand separators. Acceptable format: number.number
Boolean: Acceptable values: true, false, True, False
Latitude (Geolocation): The samples with geolocation latitude and longitude values will be displayed on the project map.
Longitude (Geolocation): The samples with geolocation latitude and longitude values will be displayed on the project map.
Date: Dates are acceptable with the following formats: DD.MM.YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY
For example: 12.01.2024 or 12/01/2024 or 12-01-2024
DateTime: Datetimes are acceptable with the following formats: “DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS” or “DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS” or “DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS”
For example: “12.01.2024 10:23:12” or “12/01/2024 10:23:12” or “12-01-2024 10:23:12”
Single select (Dropdown list with a value list)
GeoSeeq uses low-level data checks, meaning you can use values that do not fit the data tyoe. In this case, the user gets only a warning, not a restraint.
For example, It’s possible to add the “apple” value to a metadata field with a number datatype, but the system notifies the editor user with a notification and the mismatching values will be colored by red.
Samples with geolocation on the project map
The samples with geolocation latitude and longitude values will be displayed on the project map.
The project samples can be visualized on a custom map with the map editor. For more information, check our map editor description: Map editor
Add metadata value
You can set or change a metadata column value for a sample in the sample list:
Delete metadata field